~ A Letter From Christy K. ~

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After the death of my son Caleb, I had to deal with a crisis in my Faith. Decades of my identity of being a Christian -all the promises , goodness and blessings were stripped away by my overwhelming grief and confusion of “why would God let this happen?”. I was able to stand on a very small patch of foundational Faith … God is All Knowing. He does not make mistakes. He Could have prevented my son from death … but He did not. That means that those wonderful days we had with Caleb were all that God had written for him, and no more. I am still processing the rather beautiful Truth that the day of our Death is Intentional and Precious to God. HE knows how Each day that our child had on this earth is intertwined with So much around us…. and has a purpose that is for Good. HE writes each of our stories and He writes the final page. What I have been through has made me Gloriously Aware of the Value of each and every Person on this planet and how much we are truly connected to each other.

~ Christy K.