Hope For the Future
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Seeking wise counsel in trusted family, friends, coworkers, professional counselors, or your pastor can help greatly.
Talking with good listeners about your pain and memories, are both healthy steps that are necessary in the process of grieving.
Be gentle with yourself. Taking care of your basic needs may not come easily and can often feel unimportant – but it will help you to begin to heal and live life again.
Please remember that your life is just as important to our world as your child’s life was!
It can be easy to forget that!
Your life has value and purpose!
Just because you will continue to carry your grief into the coming years does not mean that you will be unable to experience hope and joy again.
Your memories and love will always be there, but your pain will lessen and let you breathe more easily with time.
You will one day find that hope and joy have snuck their way back into your heart.
But you will have to choose to allow yourself to feel these things again.
They will be there waiting for you, and it will take a conscious choice to let them back in.
You truly deserve to smile and laugh again, even if it doesn't feel like it now.
Please continue to reach out within your community to find help and support in the coming days.
The pain of child loss is a burden that does not need to be carried alone.
We are here for you!
If you need anything at all, please contact us at
(810) 357-2057.
If we don't have the answers to your questions, we will help you to find someone who does.
With Love & Hope,
Your Friends at
Blue Water Hope www.bluewaterhope.org

By preparing on your good days for upcoming rough days, you can prepare yourself with coping skills and resources to help support you when emotions hit you hard without warning.