Giving Yourself Tools for Healing

What can I look for to help me in the coming days?

Although every parent is on their own unique journey of grief and healing, we all have some things in common that can encourage us along the way.

  • Nourishment

    Make sure you are drinking enough water and eating foods that will nourish your body.

    It is hard to feel good mentally if your body is physically struggling.

    Vitamins can make a world of difference!

  • Time to rest

    In a busy world, make sure that you are resting when you can.

    Even if you find that you are having trouble sleeping, simply laying comfortably in bed or on your favorite recliner can give your body the rest it needs to maintain health.

  • Safe space to hide and reflect

    Find somewhere (your bed, your car, the garage, etc.) that you can be alone to remember and reflect.

    Even if it is only a couple of minutes at a time, having a place that provides you comfort and privacy will give you space to heal.

    Plan on a good day how you will handle the tough days so that you are not taken by surprise when they hit.

  • Motivation to step out of your comfort zone

    Although hunkering down and hiding can feel great and have its benefits once in a while, so can being motivated to get out and about again.

    Whether this means getting exercise, heading outdoors, reading and learning, or reaching out to others, make sure to step outside of your own head on occasion and experience the beauty of the world around you ~ it is still there!

  • Safe people

    Surround yourself with people who fill your cup.

    If someone is critical of you or criticizes how you are working through your grief, set a boundary to keep that person from placing unnecessary and unneeded judgement.

  • Support

    Look to join a virtual or in-person support group of others who understand what you are going through.

    Find a good grief counselor.

    Reach out for help as you need it ~ we are not meant to bear the burden of grief alone!

    Others care and want to help you to remember your child and live a meaningful life.