Be Who YOU Need to Be

Who am I now and what is my new 'normal'?

Your pace in healing will most likely not be the same as your spouse’s or the people around you who also love your child.

Each person is an individual and is unique.

So each person’s journey of grief and healing will be uniquely their own.

There is no “end goal” but rather an understanding that we are always learning, healing, and changing.

There is also no defined example of what your new “normal” should be.

Advice from others can be a wonderful gift, but be careful not to let others set unrealistic expectations or allow others to tell you how you should feel.

Sometimes, we will find that family and friends are willing to hear us when we tell them where we are at, what we are feeling, and what we need.

Other times, they simply cannot relate, because thankfully, they have not had the same life experiences and losses that we have, and that is ok.

If you find that those around you are pushing you to move faster or pulling you to move slower than you feel comfortable with, let them know or set boundaries into place to protect your heart during the healing process.

Whatever works best for YOU is what is what is important!

Please note:

If you are struggling, please reach out to seek help!

We have volunteers here at Blue Water Hope who can meet with you (no cost involved, just compassionate support) and help you to find a counselor or the resources that you and your family may need.